A science-fiction satire set decades into the future, MONITOR CITY takes place after the twin forces of manmade technological innovation and catastrophic climate change have shaped a new global reality where technocrats rule, fertility wanes and there is no privacy for individuals. To the denizens of Monitor City, declining in population and spirituality but desperate for salvation, comes the message of Diana, igniting a revolution that threatens to topple the ruling bio-technocracy... until it’s revealed that Diana is nothing like she’s promised to be all along. Terry Gilliam’s Brazil meets Black Mirror.

• 2018 Film Independent Episodic Lab

• 2019 Grand Prize, Rhode Island International Film Festival (RIIFF) Screenwriting Competition

• 2019 Austin Film Festival & Screenwriting Competition, top 20%

Rammy Park’s script breathes new life into the dystopian genre. The script is a defining work that is teeming with social commentary. Rammy has successfully created a tragic futurist tale that serves as a timely parable for today’s ever growing dependence on technology and surveillance.
— Shawn Quirk, RIIFF Program Director